EPD efforts to identify those responsible for breaking into businesses and setting fires during a May 29 riot

Eugene, OR – According to the police officials, two more suspects have been arrested on Dec. 21. The suspects are 18-year-old Michaela Grady and 23-year-old Devin Nordman. Both suspects were later arraigned on charges of burglary, theft and rioting.

During the first of many local protests after the May 25 death of George Floyd by a Minneapolis police officer, demonstrators on May 29 marched through Eugene. When the demonstration reached the intersection of Seventh Avenue and Washington Street, protesters set fires in the streets, destroyed public and private property and looted businesses.

Eugene officers appeared at one point while the fires were burning, police kept their distance until the looting started. They eventually cleared the scene with tear gas. The Eugene police published images taken from social media and security cameras showing more than 60 people the police were trying to identify as suspects.

The charges range from the nearly ubiquitous accusation of rioting — ” tumultuous and violent conduct” with five or more people causing a public alarm — to theft, burglary, reckless burning, disorderly conduct, trespassing, criminal mischief and other purported crimes.

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