Eugene Airport Leads Nation in Cleaning With New Accreditation

Before Governor Brown enacted the statewide freeze, Acting Airport Director Cathryn Stephens said they were averaging about 46 percent of passenger numbers compared to this time last year.

“I would expect that we’ll see that drop. But, we probably won’t see that drop all the way back down to the 5 percent that we were seeing in April,” said Stephens.

The Eugene Airport is one of the first ten airports in the nation to receive a GBAC STAR accreditation. This is the cleaning industry’s only outbreak prevention, response and recovery accreditation.

According to Stephens the process took about two months.

“You really had to go in and take a look at the products you’re using, how frequently you’re cleaning, how your staff is trained,” Stephens said.

Passengers are reminded masks are required at airports nationwide.

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