Eugene Will Move City Offices To LCC’s Mary Spilde Center

The city will lease space on three floors of the Mary Spilde Center at 10th and Oak.  City Council chambers, City Councilor offices, the Mayor, City Manager, City Attorney and the Office of Human Rights and Neighborhood Involvement will move from the county building by the end of the year. City of Eugene spokesperson Laura Hammond said the move will keep city services in the heart of downtown.

“They’ll also consolidate some of our services right there at 10th and Oak. The library’s right there and the bus station’s right there.” Hammond said. “And we have the Atrium Building, which houses our Planning and Development Department, our Building Permit Center.”

LCC will still hold some classes at the Mary Spilde Center. But, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the majority of it’s classes are not in person currently. The three-year lease is temporary, as Eugene plans to build a new City Hall in the downtown park blocks.

The Eugene 4J School District also leases space in the Mary Spilde Center.

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