Gym owners and members gathered in Eugene’s Free Speech Plaza to protest the closure of fitness facilities

Eugene, OR – Unfortunately, gyms are among the businesses shutdown under the latest COVID-19 restrictions. So, the gym owners, staff, and members gathered in Eugene’s Free Speech Plaza Monday to protest the closure of fitness facilities under the governor’s freeze.

One of the protestors was Aaron Orton. He is the owner of Genuine Fitness in Eugene. He said gyms have not been shown to be responsible for spreading the coronavirus.

“And, all we’re proposing today is to reopen under strict guidelines and allow our members and our clients to come in and exercise safely and really find a middle ground during this pandemic.”

He also mentioned that while many gyms offer online and outdoor fitness classes, the freeze has created financial hardships.  Other speakers at the rally said gyms are beneficial because they help people maintain health and well-being during the pandemic.

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