Local businesses can pick up free personal protective equipment to help support the fight against COVID-19

Eugene, OR – According to the statement, you need to make an appointment on the city of Eugene website. Approximately 680 appointments have been made so far.

The officials have reported that each business can pick up a two-month supply as long as supplies last. There are large and medium vinyl gloves, disposable masks and anti-septic wipes.

Amy Hartsfield, City of Eugene program manager, said:

“We had a lot of people just express how meaningful this is. Right now with the prices of PPE skyrocketing and some supplies are incredibly difficult to get right now.”

The City of Eugene estimates the supplies will run out by March. Business owners said this effort is helping because they run into face-to-face interactions with others.

Note that the business must be located in Eugene and headquartered in Oregon. You have to have 100 or fewer employees and an Oregon Business Registry Number or EIN for completing the form online.

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