The City of Eugene has been moving in to clean up the homeless camps near Whiteaker

This is a result after many complaints of garbage, human waste, drug use and criminal activity that has been going on for months.

Residents have voiced their concerns to city leaders that they’re tired of the problems associated with homeless camps in their neighborhood.

People from the local community said that there’s a criminal element that’s difficult to enforce. If you can’t see someone stealing a bike, you can’t arrest them for it or question them about it.

Clean-up crews are taking out the trash and removing belongings left behind.

Neighbors say they appreciate the clean-up crews and everyone working together.

Laura Hammond, Community Relations with the City of Eugene.

“They let people know that they need to leave and go to services at various other ports in the city. They’re also making sure if anything is left here, it’s stored and people can come pick it up over at our parts and maintenance yard.”

But will they move back into the camps again on Washington and Jefferson Street?

“We’ll see, we’ll see, because we had them cleared before, but it hasn’t been this bad. They haven’t been this embedded in, you know?” Said the neighbor.

He says it’s a waiting game.

Under the new agreement between the City and the Oregon Department of Transportation, most park rules can be applied to the site.

However, ODOT’s no-camping regulations remain in place.

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