The temporary shelters will activate on Tuesday

Nights ahead are expected to reach freezing temperatures. Egan Warming Centers, temporary shelters set up to protect people from deadly cold, will activate on Tuesday. The centers are on standby for Wednesday, Thursday and Friday nights.

There are three locations for Tuesday night:

Two buildings will be open at the Lane Events Center at 796 W. 13th Ave. in Eugene. Wheeler Pavilion opens at 7 p.m. and Expo Hall #2 opens at 8 p.m. Due to public health guidelines, warming centers are not permitted to have more than 50 people in each space, including volunteers. They will only have space for 80 guests total. The site is accessible for people with disabilities, and pets are welcome.

St. John Episcopal Church at 2537 Game Farm Road in Springfieldwill open at 6:30 p.m. The church can only shelter 20 guests. Once warming center staff reach that limit, they will be unable to accept anyone else and will not have a place to send people in Springfield. More sites are being sought out in the area. The site is accessible for people with disabilities, and pets are welcome.

A site for youths will be open at the First United Methodist Church on 1376 Olive St. in Eugene. This site will open at 6 p.m. The site is accessible and pets are welcome.

The program is named after Maj. Tom Egan, a homeless man who died in freezing weather in 2008. In years past, multiple locations open when the temperature is forecast to fall below 30 degrees.

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